Tax Tips for 2022 Tax Season: Make Your Tax Process Effortless

According to Albert Einstein, one of the brightest minds ever seen, the hardest thing in the world to understand is the taxes. And it is rightly so. With the changes and additions in the tax laws year after year, it becomes a challenge to the unversed to tackle taxation. The pandemic has further complicated the […]

Accounting Automation: What People Expect Vs. Reality Let Us List Them Out For You

Businesses have always used machines to make their work easy. Though the use of automated machines initially began with manufacturing activities, their use in accounting has been booming. Automation enables companies to process a large volume of data and reduce manual processing at cheaper costs. Automated accounting is beneficial to the firm in the following […]

Compliance Officer: What They Do and Why They’re in Demand

Compliance is the buzzword in every business nowadays. The role of the compliance officer thus becomes an integral part of the business framework. As per a report published in the daily ‘The Hindu’, Meta and WhatsApp were scouting for a Compliance Officer or nodal contact in India. The curiosity in knowing more about the role […]

The Future of Accounting: Demand and Evolving Technology

The only thing constant is change, and this applies to the accounting profession as well. Organizations can increase the productivity of accounting by using advanced technology. Accountants are now free from the burden of passing manual entries and drawing huge data to generate reports. They are now expected to develop additional skill sets that include […]

The Hidden Agenda Of How Voice Technology Is Changing The Financial Industry

Artificial intelligence and voice assistants are being used by people in their everyday lives. It’s very easy to use a voice assistant and get a good deal of information from a wide range of topics. Voice technology assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri are providing data within seconds of asking a question. Using it […]

Top Technological Trends that Accounting Firms should Follow in 2022

Technological advances have played a significant part in the growth of industries for ages. The reliance on technology has increased manifold, especially after the start of the pandemic. The accounting firms also have changed their tune according to the need of the hour. These tough times have shown how vital technology is for continuing work, […]

Technology and Future of Accounting Industry

Technology has impacted almost every aspect of our lives; it has brought about a large number of welcome changes in every profession including the accounting industry. Integrating technology in accounting processes helps companies to derive the best values and generate new opportunities. Technology enables the use of accounting software to provide a high level of […]